Being able to manage and track your shipments from embarkment location to your warehouse is a critical part of any business. Having a tool that can do that, while also tying in the financial details associated with the container like landed costs, purchase orders, and invoices, can revolutionize how your organization processes this type of large orders. Shipping Container Management by PC Bennett Solutions is exactly that. It allows you to track containers or trailers from wharf to warehouse directly in your Acumatica system, while also feeding the relevant and necessary information directly into your financials.
After watching this webinar, you will walk away with knowledge on:
- How Shipping Container Management makes calculating and reversing landed costs surrounding container and trailer orders as streamlined as possible
- The importance of leveraging an “in-transit” warehouse to prevent overselling inventory that you haven’t yet received but is still on your books
- The power and simplicity of having your container orders tied directly into your financials
Watch below.